Ascent Global Logistics Blog

News Bulletin: Dock Workers In India Continue Strike

Written by Ascent Global Logistics | May 11, 2018 5:41:28 PM

As published in this week’s edition of CLIFF NOTES, strike actions began in Nhava Sheva, India on May 9. The latest reports indicate that labor disruptions are expected to continue as dock workers called for an indefinite transportation strike this morning so parties can continue to work towards an agreement.

What are short term impacts regarding the strike?

Container operations, customs clearance activities and port calls at the Port of Nhava Sheva are expected to be impacted. Changes or delays in vessel arrivals or departures at JNPT and nearby cargo hubs could occur due to the strike. Once the strike is called off, port congestion and cargo delays are likely as the backlog of import and export containers are processed.

How can importers better prepare for import and export activity?

To help minimize delays, importers and exporters are encouraged to check with their Ascent Global Logistics representative before making a shipment. If you have urgent shipments, please consider air freight as an option.

What if I have further questions regarding the strike?

The Ascent Global Logistics International Freight Forwarding team will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available. For specific questions regarding the strike, please contact Ascent Global Logistics or speak to your Ascent Global Logistics representative directly.