Ascent Global Logistics Blog


15 Effects Of The Government Shutdown On Import And Export Activities

Posted by Ascent Global Logistics on Jan 9, 2019 11:37:59 AM

As the longest United States government shutdown in history continues, importers, exporters and trade agencies are beginning to feel the impacts. Typically, organizations such as the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) would be in high gear. However, many of these agencies are operating at reduced capacity due to the discontinuation of non-essential services.

Ways Importers And Exporters Are Significantly Impacted By The Government Shutdown:

1. Departments And Agencies Not Working

Right now, the Federal Maritime Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, Foreign Trade Zone Board, ABI Representatives for CBP, Global Entry Lanes (kiosks are still in operation) and Broker Management departments are all reporting temporarily suspended service during the government shutdown.

2. Agencies With Reduced Staffing

Primary agencies, including CBP, the TSA, USDA and FDA are reporting reduced staffing during the shutdown.

3. Various Websites Not Being Maintained

Websites not being maintained include Customs Regulations, CBP's official website, USTR website, FMC website and the Department of Commerce online steel licensing system. Please note all impacted websites have posted notices that they are not being managed and updated.

4. Money Concerns

As of January 21, 2019, duty refunds are not being processed, including Post Summary Corrections and Duty Drawback claims. Statements, however, are still processing and Protests are being reviewed.

5. Reports Not Generating

Examples include ITRAC reports.

6. Upcoming ACE Rollouts Are Delayed

Automated in bound deployment for February 6, 2019, has been delayed. The updated 5106 form that was originally scheduled for February 19, 2019 implementation is also delayed.

7. E-Verify And E-Verify Services Currently Unavailable

Right now, employers are limited in terms of verifying the identities and employment eligibility of new hires.

8. Delay In USTR Exclusions

Exclusions granted by the USTR will not be implemented until 10 business days after the government shutdown has ended.

9. ITA Antidumping And Countervailing

All ITA Antidumping and Countervailing investigations have ceased.

10. No Further Exclusion Requests For S232 Tariffs

At this time, no further exclusion requests are being reviewed by BIS for S232 tariffs. As a result, over 100,000 requests will need to be reviewed by the Department of Commerce once the shutdown ends.

Functions Minimally Impacted By The Government Shutdown:

1. Customs Entries Still Being Processed

At this time, XRAY, MET and full exams are still being ordered and completed.

2. FDA And USDA Still Monitoring Some Imports

The FDA and USDA are still monitoring key imports into the United States. However, they are not monitoring all imports of food, food related items and agriculture.

3. ACH And PMS Applications Still Being Processed
4. Quota Desk Open

The Quote Desk is still open and monitoring various quotas. The sugar quota is the next quota; it will be opening on January 23, 2019.

5. ISF Reports Still Generating


Who can I reach out to if I have additional questions?

If you have further questions regarding the US government shutdown, please contact us or reach out to your Ascent Global Logistics representative directly. Our team will help answer any questions you many have about imports, exports and trade compliance.

Topics: Tariffs, International