Ascent Global Logistics Blog


Is Freight Forwarder Technology Slowing You Down? Consider Making A Switch!

Posted by Ascent Global Logistics on May 22, 2018 8:20:22 AM

88.3 percent of importers feel that their freight providers are not technologically advanced.  This means that nearly 9 in 10 importers believe they are falling behind due to lack of innovative information from their supply chain partners.

In order to stay competitive in the digital era, supply chain innovation is imperative. Without constant improvement and evolution, your supply chain will become inefficient and cause you to lose business to your competitors.

How Can I Stay Competitive?

Help Me Stay Competitive

What Can I Do As An Importer To Stay At The Forefront?

In 2017, over $1 trillion worth of inventory was imported into the United States. If a small-to-midsize business imports $1 million in inventory every year, a 10% improvement in your supply chain can result in $100 thousand worth of cost savings. How you ask?

  1. Better visibility to inventory: Ascent Global Logistics can help you track inventory at the origin, destination and everywhere in between. Better visibility means informed decisions and better service to your customers.
  2. Consolidation at origin: we can ensure your orders are being shipped in the most efficient way possible. Not only do we ensure orders are shipped in the most efficient way possible, but we can demonstrate potential savings in inventory carrying costs.
  3. Inventory lead time reduction: through the use of supply chain technology, we can help you discover areas of inefficiency within your supply chain and reduce those inefficiencies.
  4. Creating eDocuments: Ascent Global Logistics can help you manage all order management documents in a single location. EDocuments minimize document compliance, allowing for quicker customs clearances and faster deliveries to your end customer.
  5. Creating eBookings: by helping you complete all order management bookings online, we will be able to save you time, money and energy.

At the end of the day, importers need freight forwarding partners that can be collaborative and create fully integrated supply chain solutions that suits the needs of your import peak season schedule.

How Does Ascent Global Logistics Accomplish This Feat?

Ascent Global Logistics uses an intuitive technology called PEAK to help you manage your supply chain beyond logistics. We help importers achieve full control and efficiency through a customizable interface.

But don’t just take our word for it - learn more about PEAK for yourself:

Learn More About PEAK